jour·ney [júrnee]process of development: a gradual passing from one state to another regarded as more advanced, e.g. from innocence to mature awareness
Show me the Love
I often feel that more than anything people want to love and be loved. I can't think of a single person who has said to me, "Jessi, I just don't want to be loved" or "I don't want people to like me." It's just not part of our nature. We want to feel cared about, loved for, and appreciated. It's also natural that we show those things to other people in return. I think often we are even afraid of not being loved...or being alone in the world. It doesn't matter how much someone has, if they don't feel loved they will feel worthless. Recently, I read the book "The Love Languages of God" By Gary Chapman, the same author who wrote "The Five Love Languages." I would recommend the book to anyone. In his book "The Love Languages of God" Gary Chapman talks about how we all give and receive love in different ways. We feel the most loved when we are spoken to in our own love language. That seems natural, right? Well, he continues on to say that God knows our love language and that he speaks to us most clearly through our own love language. I enjoyed his book and felt that it was very insightful, but I didn't feel like it really impacted my life. At least not right away. It wasn't until this week that something from his book really sank in. In his book he explains that there are five main ways people give and receive love: through gifts, physical touch, quality time, acts of service and words of affirmation. One of the five love languages speaks to you most deeply, but it is different from person to person. For me I'm definitely quality time. Anyways, I was praying on my steps outside earlier this week, and I started thinking about the verse in Jeremiah where God is talking to Israel and in Jeremiah 31:3b He says "...I have loved you with an everlasting love;.." I love that! We are loved with an everlasting love. All the way to my core I believe that. I started thinking about that...why was it that I never question God's love for me? I question people's love for me often enough. Something from Mr. Chapman's book came back to me, God speaks to us in our love language. I feel most loved when someone spends time with me. Well, God is omnipresent, He is always there. I never question if God loves me because He is always there to spend time with me. I don't have to call Him to decide where we are going to meet up, or when. He never calls me to cancel an appointment. He wants to spend time with me. He is always available. He is able to show me a love that no one in the world will ever be able to show me. That is why God's love is so much stronger than a human love. It surpasses time, depth, height, length, and width. There is nowhere that God's love cannot reach. What a comfort! If quality time is not your love language, don't lose heart, God speaks all the love languages fluently! What a great God we serve.
Dear Jessi,
Thank you for the precious note. I look forward to the time we can see you again! I just read the last two entries on your blog, and am SO relieved to know that you are getting your needed rest (even if it is in the classroom!) :o) The second entry is so insightful, and makes we want to read the book that prompted it. Be assured of our continued prayers and love for you!
P. S. - makes ME want to read the book. So much for proofreading!
awesome and cool insight to God speaking into our love language. i found that book so insightful to relating to others too! LOVE YOU!!
What an awesome writing. I am so glad that you are safe and sound. We had lots of people praying for you this week during the hurricane! The joke you and Carli played on your mom was really mean (but I have to admit I did think it was funny and I was quiet proud of you two for pulling it off!!). I love you!! YFA
When did you become the teacher and I the student? I am learning so much from you and your insights. You are like your DeeDee in so many ways. She had a deep spiritual depth that I see in you. She would be so proud of you and I feel blessed to be your mom! I love and miss you everyday,
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