jour·ney [júrnee]process of development: a gradual passing from one state to another regarded as more advanced, e.g. from innocence to mature awareness

Thursday, June 12, 2008


For graduation a couple of girls and me worked on writing a comical play. We came up with the idea of rewriting an old story that everyone knows with twist. We decided on doing the "True Cinderella Story" where a fairy played by Diasira comes to tell a little girl how the real story of Cinderella goes. "Cindy" is truly evil and with the help of her evil fairy godmother cast a spell on the prince which makes him fall in love with "Cindy" instead of her sweet kind hearted step-sister who is always left doing the chores because "Cindy" is to busy admire her vain beauty. The spell is only broken when "Cindy" trips and her magic shoe falls off. Nancy did a great job playing Cindy or Cinderella, Fany played the kind hearted step-sister while Oscar filled the roll of prince charming. Audrey donned blue makeup for her roll as evil fairy godmother. Elli was the little girl hearing the story and Abby played the stepmother. Nadetie and Nancy wrote the play and Nade was director. Unfortunately I was unable to be there to see the play. They performed it at graduation. I missed graduation because I had to leave early to get to my brothers wedding due to the plane crash. I heard that the play went great and if it was anything like all the practices I went to then I know that it was hilarious. We have some very talented young actors and actresses. I hope some of them have some sort of job speaking or acting in front of people someday. I'm sad that I missed the actual performance, but I was glad that I was able to be part of the play. It makes me smile just thinking about it. Here are some pictures taken during practice and a few that I borrowed from my roommate Jennifer from graduation. Thanks Jenn!

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