jour·ney [júrnee]process of development: a gradual passing from one state to another regarded as more advanced, e.g. from innocence to mature awareness

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


The beginning of berry season is always an exciting time at Rancho Ebenezer. You can see the excitement rising on everyone’s faces as we watch the fresh blooms turn to sour red berries, ripening into the dark sweet black berries. The youngest on the Ranch to the oldest eagerly pull red berries off the vines and suffer through the sour taste in anticipation for what is to come. Now that we are well into berry season and have eaten more than our share of black berries it is a little easier to pass up the delicious delicacies dangling from the black berry vines. Now most of our black berries are making their way to the kitchen in Casa Grande rather than our mouths. The kitchen staff as been working hard making black berry jam, while the teenage girls have been making black berry tea through the work program. It’s wonderful to be able to have something that not only we can grow and enjoy, but that it severs as a means to teach the young people at Rancho Ebenezer. Not only is it a learning experience but goes to help support the Ranch and our efforts there. Berries is just one of the natural blessing we have at the Ranch.

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